Konrad De Kerloy SC
Admitted to Practice
1983 (WA), 1999 (England and Wales)
Elected to WABA
B.Juris, LLB (UWA)
Link to curriculum vitae (Click Here)
Konrad specialises in major commercial disputes and dispute resolution involving corporate governance, directors’ duties, banking and financial instruments, breaches of contract, professional negligence, corporate insolvency and reconstruction, planning, valuation and industrial and employee disputes.
Konrad is an experienced trial and appellate advocate. He has appeared as lead counsel in cases in the High Court, Federal Court, Supreme Court and the State Administrative Tribunal. Those cases have involved contractual disputes, professional negligence, issues and disputes concerning liquidations, receiverships and administrations, breach of director’s duties, share buy backs, land valuation, planning, employment and industrial relations disputes. He has also been lead counsel in international arbitration and expert determination matters.
Konrad is regularly ranked in Australian Legal Guides including Best Lawyers, Doyle’s and Chambers. In the Doyle’s Guide 2024, Konrad is listed as:
Pre-eminent in the category “West Australian Insolvency & Restructuring Law Barristers (Junior Counsel)”
Leading in the category “Commercial Litigation & Dispute Resolution Barristers (Junior Counsel) – Western Australia”
Clients have described Konrad in the following terms:
“Can always be relied on to make a very significant, well balanced and thoughtful input to a debate. Capable of being appropriately forceful when necessary. Brings a sense of fun to the room.”
“Legally very competent, but unusually commercial and practical – especially for a litigation lawyer. Solutions focused.”
“Challenging the status quo. Using his “power” and taking opportunities to be involved in what changes the world…. a real influencer.”
“Analysing complex arguments and bringing clarity to the debate. Can easily lead and guide a group to a decision. He is very good with people and has a good way with humour.”
Konrad has also served as:
Executive Member, Law Council of Australia – 2015 -2018
President Law Society of Western Australia – 2014
Executive Member, Council of the Law Society of Western Austria – 2011-2013
Councillor, Methodist Ladies College Council – 2004 – 2009
Member, Western Australian Government’s Literacy and Numeracy Review Taskforce – 2007
Practice Areas
- Commercial Law
- Corporations
- Employment and industrial relations
- Environment, planning and development
- Equity
- Insolvency
- Professional Negligence
- Trusts
Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.