Mark Williams
Admitted to Practice
1994 (WA), 1995 (High Court of Australia), 2005 (NT)
Elected to WABA
LLB (Hons) (Murdoch University)
Mark has 30 years’ experience in civil law, with a particular focus on tort, contract and insurance law and vocational regulation.
Mark appears as counsel in the District and Supreme Courts of Western Australia, the State Administrative Tribunal and the Coroner’s Court of Western Australia. He also appears in the Western Australia Court of Appeal and the High Court of Australia, as well as before other courts, tribunals, boards and government inquiries.
Mark has acted in some of Western Australia’s significant insurance and tort cases, including Zurich Australian Insurance v Metals & Minerals Insurance, Newcrest Mining v Thornton and AME Hospitals v Dixon in the High Court of Australia and Speno Rail Maintenance Australia v Hamersley Iron and Barr v Farrell in the Western Australia Court of Appeal. In other jurisdictions, he advised the successful party to a House of Lords appeal arising from the Piper Alpha disaster. He represented Allied World Assurance Company in The Cosmetic Institute class action in the Supreme Court of New South Wales. He also represented a prominent insurer in its COVID-19 business interruption claims across Australia.
Mark holds a Bachelor of Laws with First Class Honours. He has been recognised by Chambers Asia Pacific as a leading individual in insurance and is listed in Doyle’s Guide as a pre-eminent medical negligence lawyer. He is recognised consistently as one of Australia’s leading insurance, medical malpractice and professional malpractice lawyers in The Best Lawyers of Australia. He was named Lawyer of the Year (Perth) in Professional Malpractice Litigation in the 2020, 2021 and 2025 Editions.
Mark’s full curriculum vitae is available upon request.
Practice Areas
- Appellate
- Class actions
- Commissions, inquests and inquiries
- Common law/personal injury
- Contract
- Coronial inquiries
- Disciplinary tribunals
- Insurance
- Professional negligence
- Tort
- Vocational regulation
Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.